①メキシコの下院議会でUAP に関する公聴会が開かれたことは知っているか ?
・日本はUAP の目撃多発エリアとされているが、防衛省として米国とどのように情報共有・分析をしているのか?
① Did you know that a public hearing on UAP was held in Mexico’s House of Representatives?
②Regarding data released by the U.S. Department of Defense’s AARO (All Area Anomaly Resolution Office)
・Japan is said to be an area where UAP sightings occur frequently, but how does the Ministry of Defense share and analyze information with the United States?
・What do you think about the current U.S. Congress movement toward UAP?
・We request Minister Kihara to establish a Japanese version of AARO at the Ministry of Defense.